Does December 25 Sometimes Make You Feel Stupid?

J@vier M@rceli

● Upgrade to Bitcoin Core 0.17.1: this new minor version released December 25th restores some previously-deprecated functionality to the listtransactions RPC and includes bug fixes and other improvements. A new protocol version is not necessary for things to work; nodes using Erlay would not be incompatible with the existing protocol. Why doesn’t Erlay include a p2p protocol version bump? It is part of a series of PRs to add support for Erlay to Bitcoin Core. When the user subsequently wanted to add fees to a transaction, they would sign a short message containing the amount they wanted to pay plus the txid of that transaction. This week’s newsletter describes an idea to add accounts to Bitcoin for paying transaction fees and includes our regular sections with the summary of a Bitcoin Core PR Review Club meeting and descriptions of notable changes to popular Bitcoin infrastructure projects. The review club meeting discussed the reconciliation handshake protocol and weighed the advantages and disadvantages of splitting large projects into smaller chunks. What is the overall handshake and ‘registration for reconciliation’ protocol flow? 181 are used to prevent problems from any abuse of this experimental part of the LN protocol. Smart contracts are self-executing contracts that run on blockchain technology, but their code is not always error-free.

It successfully unblocks tons of worldwide content and is adaptable for smart TVs and consoles through router setup. In the original version of Bitcoin, it was possible for transactions to have identical content and thus colliding txids. In a future where all spenders support this feature, this will make it possible to use stateless invoices and run Eclair without storing any essential invoice details in its database until a payment is received, eliminating wasted storage and preventing invoice-creation denial-of-service attacks. Spenders who understand the new field will include its payload in the payments they route through the network, allowing Eclair to decrypt the data and use it to reconstruct all the information necessary to accept the payment. The block is assigned some information, and all of the data in the block is put through a cryptographic algorithm (called “hashing”). Previously, signatures were stored as just raw bytes, but the new data facilitates performing additional operations on the partial signature. However, testnet3 has meanwhile exceeded the height of 1,983,702. Bitcoin Core thus reverted to performing the checks for duplicate unspent transactions on every testnet transaction. The mainnet blockchain contains two duplicate coinbase transactions, at height 91,842 and 91,880. They are identical to previous coinbase transactions and overwrote existing coinbase outputs before they were spent, reducing total available supply by 100 BTC.

It was later shown that BIP34 was flawed in that there already existed some coinbase transactions before BIP34’s introduction that matched the height pattern for future block heights. Enforcement of BIP30 was implemented by checking for each transaction whether any UTXOs existed for the respective txid already. 146, Antoine Riard will be hosting IRC-based meetings to discuss how to make unconfirmed transaction relay more reliable for contract protocols such as LN, coinswaps, and DLCs. 37. P2C allows a spender and a receiver to agree on the text of a contract (or anything else) and then create a public key that commits to that text. Rubin suggests that this would eliminate many problems with CPFP and RBF fee bumping related to contract protocols where two or more users shared ownership of a UTXO, or other cases where the use of presigned transactions meant the current network feerates couldn’t have been known when the transaction was signed in the past. Discussing BIP141’s requirement that a witness program be 2-40 bytes, Kalle Rosenbaum brainstorms examples of potential use cases for a 2 byte witness program size.

● How could a 2 byte witness program make sense? ● Mailing list discussion: Peter Todd posted several concerns with the proposal, including that it doesn’t benefit nearly all Bitcoin users (as he claims previous feature-adding soft forks have done), that it may create new denial-of-service vectors, and that many of the proposed usecases for CTV are underspecified and (perhaps) too complicated to actually see widespread deployment. CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY soft fork. Also included are our regular sections with descriptions of some recent changes to services and client software, plus summaries of notable changes to popular Bitcoin infrastructure software. ● LNP Node opens first mainnet channel: New Lightning Network node software LNP Node opened its first LN channel. ● Samourai adds taproot support: Samourai v0.99.98 and Samourai Dojo v1.13.0 (via the bitcoinjs-lib library) support bech32m addresses for P2TR. 912 adds a new optional field to BOLT11 invoices for metadata provided by the receiver. The spender can then later demonstrate that the payment committed to that text and that it would’ve been computationally infeasible for that commitment to have been made without the cooperation of the receiver.

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